My December

How did we come to this? December. The beginning of the last month of the year. Before we know it, we'll be celebrating the dawn of another new year.

Not that it's a bad thing. I'm just lamenting at how as the days change to months and then months to become another new year, I feel as if I've not moved an inch. Nor have I accomplished much. Not on a personal level, no.

There were so many things that happened throughout the year, but they were just chaos. I've nothing tangible to list down like this fellow here.

Isn't that sad?

Mr DJ once said, if you're not happy about something, then change it. I wanted to say the only thing I'm unhappy with is the lack of time, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. I need more time to be able to do more things, but in reality that shouldn't cost so much of my time. I have to give this some thinking about.

And I've decided to try to blog everyday this month, instead of one long entry once a week. Lol.

I'm meeting up with a few girl friends tomorrow morning. It's time for me to visit Pavilion!



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