Weekend Snapshot #3

Nothing exciting happened over the weekend for me. We decided to just stay in and I do most of my household chores i.e. cleaning house, laundry, etc. instead. My husband brought Mira to the playground in the afternoons. We think she needs to play more outdoor instead of being cooped up at home 24/7.

In between my chores, I spent most of my free time online. On Facebook. Playing Fighters' Club :p

I was so engrossed in it, that I slept late on Friday night / Saturday morning. It was three a.m. when suddenly I see a bright light shining through my den's window (where the computer is at). I look out, and saw this...

There was even a lone star next to the moon on it's right, which we can't see here. Not in this shot anyway. The other few shots I took was all blurry, but you can see the star in it. I used natural light and program the camera to use its Night Scene mode to take this shots. Without a tripod, it's difficult to get a sharp photo out of it.

I take it as my reward for staying up so late, helping others win their fight. Lol.

I couldn't sleep much last night either. I planned to wake up early in order to give support to my gang member, whose fight ends at half past eight this morning. But because I worry I won't be able to wake up on time, I couldn't sleep a wink!

I think I may need to join an FC Anonymous group soon. Lmao.

To see others Weekend Snapshots for this week, please go here.



Jan said…
wow... that's a beautiful scene. you're rewarded by staying up late. hehehe.
SandyCarlson said…
I love that big, simple, peaceful moon over the settled landscape. Gorgeous shot.
Natalie said…
What a lovely night time shot!
jennyr said…
stl looks great! mine's at Hobbies and Such.
eastcoastlife said…
Still up at 3 am playing on FaceBook? I usually am asleep by midnight. hehe....
Ritsumei said…
That's a lovely picture!

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