Weekend Snapshot # 21

I found this photo while browsing through our collection in the hard disk, to see which to be archived. This was taken on a weekend exactly a year ago.

I've forgotten how long Mira's hair was back then. And I can't remember where we were at -- either Megamall or Suria.

How was your weekend? Check out other Weekenders here.



Azurah Anuar said…
ehi pun baru smlm jumpa gambar umar berambut panjang (bukan crew cut).

semenjak dia sekolah, asyik crew cut je.

Anonymous said…
Oh I miss B1 and B2! Nice picture!

My WS photos are now posted in these blogs:

Shutter Happenings
Le Kulitszie Familie
Memories by Jenn
Jenn Was Here

Please drop by if you have the time. Thanks!
SandyCarlson said…
What a sweet-faced child.
Jeanne said…
lovely child...

My WS Entry is here, check it out.

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