When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it

This Dilbert strip is dedicated to another friend of mine, my coursemate actually, who's currently thinking of giving up due to her dimwitted, selfish head of staff and terrible work load.

Can you imagine being told to 'manage your time well at work' so that if you need to leave work on time to study you may do so but when you actually have finished your task for the day, your manager ask you to stay back to help others instead? And if you said 'not today' you'll be reprimanded for not being a team player because you have to help others achieve their KPIs.

Also, if you dare leave early, management will think you have not enough work to do. Acceptable time to leave for home is anytime after 9 pm ;p


Anyway, I hope you won't give up so easily, mate. Final is just less than three weeks away.

Yes, you can!

p/s Don't you just love Dilbert? :)



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