Movie Night: Sex and the City 2

The much awaited movie finally arrived at our shores! We've been planning to watch this together for ages. As soon as we know the movie schedules for Friday, we quickly make all our decisions.

We went to KLCC because Pavilion hasn't any show that starts at 8-ish (unless you wanna fork out moolah for Gold Class). We had dinner before that and it was good catching up and sharing life stories over dim sum :)

By 'we' I meant Nong, MC, Lah and me. Merry bailed out on us to support her World Cup team smh.

The movie was fun and hilarious! We laughed all the way through. And we had a bunch of sporting folks in the same cinema that added to the fun experience we had. I mean, they get ALL the jokes. LOL.

Oh, and Liza Minnelli singing Single Ladies?

So full of WIN uols! I felt like clapping at the end of it. It also makes me wanna learn the steps seriously now. Hahaha.

I find the movie very enjoyable to watch, especially with your girlfriends. So really, what the bad reviewers and reviews were all about?

Next stop... ECLIPSE! ^_^



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