When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time

Hermione is me
I am Hermione

An incident happened recently. I must admit at first I was pissed and then hurt, but the more I think about it, it became an eye opener of sorts.

I've managed to gather a few sets of friends. These people are those I met at a different times in my life. They're all dearest to me. They hardly mixed with each other and I'm ok with that.

However, there is a set whom no matter how many times I tried to be generous with, they just don't seem to reciprocate? It's like they don't feel they're worthy to accept it. We've known each other for so long, I thought we've come to a point that we're best of friends. It's weird at first. But now I come to realise that maybe because it is something that they are not willing to give back in return.

All that "Treat others how you want others to treat you" thing, you know? So if you don't want to give the same treatment to the other person, you don't feel nice or you don't want to accept the treatment that has been afforded to you. You get what I mean?

I'm not about to unfriend them #lulz But I shall keep my distance and will keep reminding myself that this set of friends is different. Nothing against them ya. Just to avoid getting hurt whenever I see that I've been excluded in certain things without my knowledge...

And today, it happened again. I wonder if it is so hard to just share that little bit of detail with me. 

Oh well. Lesson learned (again).


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