The Elusive Pot of Gold
According to my... err... Life Advisor (?) Mr DJ, if I want to get my hands on the precious Bayswater it is essential that I save RM12.50 per day. I may be able to save enough to get it in 12 months time.
Sigh. So long meh?
Sigh. So long meh?
RM12.50/day eh? Forget lunch, bawak bekal. I think saving RM12.50 a day is achievable...
Am hereby pledging my support hehe...
yeah, actually thinking about it, setting aside rm12.50 is not that difficult. i just need to cut down on junks i buy ie choccies and ice creams ;)
time to create a new TOM for bayswater! woohoo!
btw, what happened to your LV Speedy??
So much for bertaubat. Maybe BAN is a better term to use. Hahahaha..
nong: LOL!